AAFI-AFICS in the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS)
AAFI-AFICS, Geneva, is a member of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS). Together with its sister associations in New York, Paris and Rome, AAFI-AFICS actively participated in the founding of the Federation in 1975. Geneva was designated as the headquarters of the Federation; its Secretariat is situated in the Palais des Nations (Office n° VB-102 and VB-106 Villa Bocage).
The Federation
FAFICS is a Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants. It was founded in 1975 by four associations of former international civil servants, located in Geneva, New York, Paris and Rome. Over the years many other associations of former UN system officials, located in all regions of the world, have joined the Federation.
At its 47th Council session held in Rome on 20-25 July 2018, total membership reached 63 associations, when the Council admitted two new associations AAFNU-MR Mauritania and AAFNU-MG Madagascar. Other associations of former international staff, including former local staff, may apply for membership and have their applications reviewed by the 48th FAFICS Council, which is tentatively scheduled to be held in July 2019 in Nairobi.
The Council and the Officers
The Federation has its seat in Geneva and a liaison office in New York. FAFICS is governed by a Council on which all member associations are represented. The Council meets annually.
In July 2018, Marco Breschi (FFAO Rome) was elected as President; the elected seven Vice-Presidents are: Katia Chestopalov (AAFI-AFICS Geneva), Ari Toubo Ibrahim (AAFNU-N. Niger), Mario La Fuente (AFICS-Chile), Junko Sato (AFICS-Japan), Carlos Santos Tejada (AFICS-Panama), A.K. Masood Ahmed, (AFUNSOB Bangladesh) and Jerry Barton (ARICSA Austria); Secretary Pierre Sayour, Treasurer Wolfgang Milzow, both of Geneva.
Seven former Presidents of FAFICS, Aamir Ali, Margaret Bruce, George Saddler, Witold Zyss, Andrés Castellaños del Corral, Roger Eggleston and Linda Saputelli are Presidents emeriti. The 37th FAFICS Council awarded Former Vice-President Aurelio Marcucci the title of President emeritus. The Council has also bestowed the title of Vice-President emeritus on Federation’s former Vice-President Eduardo Albertal of Brazil. The 47th FAFICS council awarded former Secretary Jay Sundaresan the title of Secretary emeritus.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Federation are to bring together Member Associations of former international civil servants and provide a framework for their activities.
In so doing, the Federation will:
(a) support and promote the purposes, principles, programmes and achievements of the United Nations system;
(b) promote and defend the interests of the community of former international civil servants;
(c) maintain and develop solidarity and close contact between and among Member Associations;
(d) represent the community of former international civil servants on appropriate organs of the United Nations system and in particular retirees and beneficiaries of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund;
(e) promote exchanges and coordination with federations of staff members in service and cooperate with other associations and organizations as appropriate;
(f) support and coordinate the activities of Member Associations, particularly in matters of pensions and health protection.
Relations with the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF)
FAFICS is the official representative of pensioners and beneficiaries of the UNJSPF and, as such, it attends the annual meetings of the UN Joint Staff Pension Board (UNJSPB) with a delegation composed of four representatives and two alternate representatives. FAFICS representatives have all the rights of members, except the right to vote. It can also attend meetings of the Pension Board's Standing Committee, with a smaller delegation. FAFICS maintains close and continuous contact with the Deputy-Chief Executive Officer of the Pension Fund, Paul Dooley and his senior staff. These officials have a half-day working session with the FAFICS Council during its annual session, in the course of which problems and concerns of the world-wide UN retiree community are brought to their attention.
In the Annual Letter dated January 2009 from the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary of the UNJSPF, which is sent to all the parties of the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund, including retirees and beneficiaries, the Chief Executive Officer described FAFICS and its member associations in the following terms:
"Retirees and beneficiaries should be aware of the valuable information and assistance that can be obtained from the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS) and its member associations.
FAFICS’ main objective is to represent and protect the interests of its member associations, particularly on matters of pensions, health insurance and related questions. At the same time FAFICS remains ready to intervene on any other issue affecting individual and/or groups of pensioners and beneficiaries, and to also assist non-member associations, particularly on matters of pensions, health insurance and related questions. Through the experiences of their respective members, FAFICS member associations serve as knowledgeable sources of information and advice, not only on pension-related matters but also on the laws and other aspects of life in countries around the world. They continue to act as important “partners” to the Pension Fund secretariat and to the member organizations, through their support and assistance. More specifically, FAFICS and its member associations provide invaluable assistance to retirees and beneficiaries in resolving problems.
FAFICS also furnishes general and individual information and advice to current and future retirees on the practical application of the Regulations and Rules of the Fund. With this in mind, you may wish to consider joining the retiree association in your area. It should be noted that particular assistance can be provided in respect to the Fund’s important Certificate of Entitlement process.”
FAFICS representatives continue to participate actively and effectively in the sessions of the Pension Board and its Standing Committee, the work of the Fund’s Audit Committee and of a newly established Working Group on Plan Design for the future Pension Fund.
After-Service Health Insurance
While the Federation has no representative role in the different organizational health insurances, which are available to retirees under the After-Service Health Insurance scheme, FAFICS provides for exchanges of information and develops the Federation's objectives in the FAFICS Council’s Working Group on After-Service Health Insurance and Long-Term Care (ASHIL). It also participates as an observer in inter-agency meetings of Human Resource Officers on Long-term Care benefits. The Federation's aim is to have these benefits incorporated in all organizational health insurance plans.
Pension benefits and the Pension Adjustment System
FAFICS is constantly engaged in activities to improve and protect the interests of pensioners and beneficiaries of the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund. Through its Working Group on Pension Issues, the FAFICS Council monitors the Pension Adjustment system and cost-of-living adjustment mechanisms and seeks improvements where this may be found necessary. It has developed and submitted proposals for the improvement of pension benefits for divorced spouses. FAFICS continues to support the just claims for the payment of their UNJSPF pensions by former participants and retirees in the former Soviet Union, the Byelorussian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR. They have been deprived of their pensions by the governments of those former states and, so far, also by their successor states.
Promotion of the Aims and Activities of the UN system
FAFICS is a Non-Governmental Organization accredited to and has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Human Rights Council and the Department of Public Information. As such it participates in meetings of the two Councils and their subsidiary bodies, Civic Forums and in other events, where the contributions, experience and views of former international civil servants may be useful.
FAFICS is a member of the Conference of NGO's (CONGO) in consultative status with United Nations. FAFICS also maintains Consultative Status with FICSA, the Federation of International Civil Servants Associations.
AS AT 1st November 2018
1975 Geneva, New York, Paris, Rome (founding members)
1977 Bangalore
1981 Chile, United Kingdom
1984 Mexico
1987 Canada
1988 Argentina, New Delhi
1991 Australia
1992 Austria
1993 Turin, New Zealand
1996 Colombia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay
1999 Ethiopia
2000 Brazil
2001 Lebanon, Mali, Thailand
2002 Egypt, Paraguay
2003 Burkina Faso, Congo (Brazzaville), Indonesia
2004 Bolivia, Greece, Pakistan
2005 Tanzania
2006 Congo (Kinshasa), Ecuador, Netherlands, Peru
2007 Costa Rica, Cuba, Kenya
2008 Israel, Myanmar
2009 Bangladesh, Philippines
2010 Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Mauritius
2011 Nigeria
2012 Japan
2013 Bénin, Cyprus, Kiev, Nepal, Niger, Togo
2015 Spain
2016 Guinea
2017 Panama, Senegal,
2018 Madagascar, Mauritania
2009 Cameroon
2010 Somalia
2012 Nicaragua