Welcome to the Home Site of the
Association of Former International Civil Servants
(AAFI-AFICS, Geneva)

The following pages contain descriptions of the Association, its beginnings, history and activities.

If you are a former international civil servant and wish to become a member, you can find a membership application form by clicking here (NB: membership in the Association is also open to serving staff):

Our address:


Room E-2078

Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland


+41 (22) 917-3330 (Secretariat)

+41 (22) 917-2626 (Chairman)


aafi-afics@un.org (Secretariat)







Latest Updates


7 June 2024

General Assembly: AAFI-AFICS 82nd General Assembly 2024; FAFICS President's msg to AAFI-AFICS General Assembly


9 May 2024

General Assembly: AAFI-AFICS 82nd General Assembly 2024; AAFI-AFICS Activity Report 2023


6 May 2024

General Assembly: AAFI-AFICS 82nd General Assembly 2024 ; Invitation


6 May 2024

Publications: AAFI-AFICS Bulletin April 2024


25 March 2024

News: 25 March 2024 -- Tribute to Roger Eggleston


14 March 2024

News: FLASH 29 February 2024 -- The FAFICS Bureau held a meeting in Geneva (headquarters of the Federation) from 26 to 29 February. This allowed the AAFI-AFICS Committee to meet with the members of the FAFICS Board and discuss pension issues. FAFICS is the only voice of retirees in the Pension Board of UNJSPF.


29 January 2024

News: FLASH 29 January 2024 -- Centre local d'information et de coordination - CLIC


3 January 2024

Publications: AAFI-AFICS Bulletin December 2023


20 November 2023

News: Newsletter 4 November 2023 -- Text from FAFICS about the situation in the Middle East; the Secretary-General's message for United Nations Day


13 November 2023

Publications: AAFI-AFICS Bulletin October 2023


13 November 2023

Publications: 10 keys to a successful retirement


21 September 2023

News: Luncheon Luncheon Tuesday 31 October 2023


22 August 2023

News: Newsletter 22 August 2023 -- Events not to miss - September - November 2023


26 July 2023

News: Information from AAFI-AFICS 26 July 2023 -- The FAFICS (Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants) meeting was held in Vienna from 17 to 20 July 2023.


25 July 2023

News: FLASH 25 July 2023 -- Duplicate certificate of entitlement from the Fund


12 July 2023

News: Newsletter 12 July 2023 -- Les évènements culturels à Genève et en Suisse à ne pas manquer cet été


28 June 2023

News: Newsletter 27 June 2023 -- UNOG will be closed on Thursday 29 June (AÏD AL-ADHA)


22 June 2023

News: Newsletter 21 June 2023 -- Activities provided around Geneva


13 June 2023

News: AAFI-AFICS General Assembly 2023 and Information session on caregivers


13 June 2023

General Assembly: AAFI-AFICS 81st General Assembly 2023


13 June 2023

Seminars: Information session on caregivers


12 May 2023

News: Newsletter 11 May 2023 -- Invitation AAFI-AFICS 81st GENERAL ASSEMBLY Thursday 8 June 2023, 9:30 AM CCV, Rue de Varembé 9, 1202 Genève (rev 11 May 2023)


5 April 2023

News: Newsletter 4 April 2023 -- UNJSPF Virtual Global Town Hall on 6 April -- Publication of the UNJSPF annual news letter -- INCREASE OF PENSIONS -- AAFI-AFICS office hours


8 March 2023

News: FLASH 8 March 2023 -- International Women's Day


3 January 2023

News: Newsletter 31 December 2022 (revised) -- UNJSPF barcoded forms -- Opening hours of Pension Fund Customer Service Department in Building H of the Palais des Nations -- AAFI-AFICS office hours -- Dues reminder for annual members -- Elections to the Committee